Blog Entry of Your Choice (October 15): A Land Remembered

In A Land Remembered, I recently read about the journey that the MacIvey family made to sell over eight hundred cows to Punta Rassa and the many friends they met on the way. They met a man named Skillit, who chose to join them because the family was kind to him, and also, it was better than drifting. The same thing happened to Frog and Bonzo.

I was curious to know how much money they would earn for the cows. Back in 1868, one dollar of money would equal twenty in today's time, so I did my own research to find out approximately how much money the family would make on that job and found each cow would sell for sixteen dollars if they were all in good conditioned, and fattened up with grass.

Later in the book, it is stated that Captain Hendry payed thirteen thousand, eight hundred and forty dollars for the cows, which is a lot as is, but would be  two hundred seventy-seven thousand, four hundred ninety-two dollars in today's time.

They were able to buy a stove, some clothes, a bunch of apples, some food at a store, and still had sacks full of money later. And now, the friends have joined forces and created the MacIvey Cattle Company, and can create even more money now.

Another interesting fact, but random enough. It turns out that the classic novel has a comic created for it. I found this out when I was looking for pictures of the MacIvey family, a creative and enlightening view of what the scene might have looked like.


  1. Hi Dakotah! I also found the comic pictures when I was searching up on the book. I thought they were cool because it was able to give an interesting visual to the characters we are reading about. I also put some of the pictures in my blog! The difference in money from then to now is very interesting. I think it's good that you were able to look up the difference in prices because I think it gives us a better understanding of how the business worked and how much money they were making.


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